Dr. Silverberg quoted for NBC’s Today Show on: Pregnancy Foot Problems.

I’m pleased to announce I was asked to contribute to a story on NBC’s Today Show (Moms Section image) on High Heels and Pregnancy.

Pregnancy Foot Problems

I was asked about foot problems women face during pregnancy and my opinion on wearing high heels during pregnancy.

Click the below picture to go to the article.




  1. Patricia Babin on April 21, 2014 at 5:58 pm

    Good Day, Dr. Silver! I am scheduled to have bilateral bunionectomy (I have large bunions and tailors bunions on both feet) on May 1st. I live in Columbia, SC. My orthopedist, Dr. Nahigian, is wonderful, but he specializes in knees and shoulders. I am 43 years old and ready to have these painful bunions removed, but would like your input and if you think I should seek a more specialized doctor, or am I in great hands?

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