When to have bunion surgery when you are not in pain.

My usual readers will know that I do not advocate bunion surgery for cosmetic reasons. My postings usually talk about bunion surgery to relieve pain. Both kinds of pain, shoe pressure and joint pain. (That reminds me of a classic scene from the movie Blues Brothers when the bartender says, “we have both kinds of…

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The Best Hammertoe Surgeon and Why

In my residency training I was very lucky to have a good friend who was a plastic surgery fellow. (Fellowship comes after residency in a doctor’s training, and is very specialized.) My friend taught me various plastic surgery procedures and tricks that I have applied to my foot surgery. Hammertoe Surgeon For example: When surgeons…

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Keep your foot dry after surgery!

After foot surgery it is important to keep your foot dry. Depending on the procedure it is usually between two and four weeks. As a convenience for my patients, I dispense a device to keep the foot dry. It works very well in the shower. (click picture to enlarge) Today, a patient came in and…

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