What are Hammertoes? Prevention and Hammertoe Surgery.
Allow me to share some information in layman’s terms on hammertoes and Hammertoe surgery. The four small toes on the foot are similar in composition to the fingers. Each of the small toes has three bones with joints in between. The toes form a joint, meeting in what is called the ball of the foot. These bones in
the small toes are normally straight, but when they become bent (at the first joint), it results in hammertoe. Hammertoe can occur in any of these small toes. Usually, the bend also causes a growth similar to a deep blister, called a bursa. This bursa can become inflamed and eventually, hard callusing and corns can occur.
At the beginning of the deformity, the toe can be straightened. With time, however, the joints become rigid. This can then affect the joint at the ball of the foot and, sometimes causing the joint capsule to tear. The joint is then dislocated and the toe points upward. Painful hammertoes require attention before the condition worsens.
What are the causes of hammertoe?
- Improper footwear, especially in women who wear high heels or ill-fitting shoes
- Improper function of the foot itself during walking
- Trauma or injury to the foot either from a direct blow or overuse
- Diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis can predispose a person to hammertoe
What are the some symptoms of hammertoe?
- Prominence or deformity of a toe accompanied by pain
- Redness around the painful joints
- Swelling around the afflicted joints
- Corns on toes
- Calluses on toes
- Difficulty wearing shoes, from painful toes which may also be deformed
- Difficulty walking
- Stiffness in the toe joints
An examination by a qualified podiatrist, a medical history and X-rays to determine the extent of the damage and arthritis in the joint are usually required to make the proper diagnosis. Simply having ugly toes isn’t a reason to naturally assume that you have hammertoe unless the “ugliness” is accompanied by the symptoms listed above.
Is there anything you can do to help alleviate the pain?
- You can wear proper fitting shoes with a large toe area
- You should avoid wearing high heels
- You can wear a protective pad over the toe(s) that cause the problem
- You can visit a qualified podiatrist for an assessment and
treatment. The podiatrist can
recommend the proper footwear, suggest some exercises if you can still move your toes, teach you how to strap your toe in the correct position, supply you with a splint or padding, assess whether you should consider wearing orthotics or advise you whether you should have surgery.
Without proper treatment, the hammertoe deformity will become worse and eventually the afflicted toe(s) will become completely stiff and cause severe problems with footwear. Because of the toes being displaced, the ball of the foot will get undue stress, building up corns and calluses, causing a great deal of pain. So, you may be asking yourself what you can do if you begin to develop hammertoe. In the short-term, you can do things to alleviate the pain and discomfort, but in the long-run the only way to rectify the situation is with hammertoe surgery.
© Copyright 2010 Best Podiatrist NYC Emanuel Sergi, DPM City Footcare, PC 122 E 42nd Street, Ste 2901 New York, NY 10168 212-871-0800 www.cityfootcare.com cityfootcare@gmail.com Specializing in foot surgery, bunion surgery, hammertoe surgery, cosmetic foot surgery, general podiatric surgery.
I thank you heartly for helping me to undrestand my related health,s issue/s as you provided in a lay man’s term. I believe that I have a hammertoe issues & require your kind help . Please try to be in touch with me so that I can have an appointment with you and procced with the problem’s with the help from the Divine intervention . Thank you and looking forward to hear from you soon .
The best thing to do is to call my office to schedule a new patient consultation to discuss your hammertoes and evaluate if hammertoe surgery or other treatment will help.
Dr. S.